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Mustard Deviled Eggs

Mustard Deviled Eggs
The holiday appetizer scene wouldn't be complete without a plate of Deviled Eggs. With these we put mustard center stage and used our Everything Bagel Spice as the topper. The flavor is robust and the texture of the whole mustard seeds and Everything Bagel Spice add a welcome crunch. Since there is always a little filling left over, and that is the best part, we made it into a dip by simply adding more creamy goodness and mustard to the mix. You can choose mayonnaise or Greek yogurt as suits your taste or happens to be in the pantry. These come together quickly and give an unexpected flavor to an old favorite.



Bring a large pot of water to a rolling boil. Put the eggs into the boiling water and cook 7-8 minutes. Cool and peel the eggs.

Slice each egg in half and combine the yolks in a medium bowl, or the bowl of a stand mixer. Arrange the whites on a plate.

Add 2 tablespoons of yogurt or mayonnaise and 2 tablespoons of mustard to the egg yolks and whisk until well combined.

Add a dollop of filling to each egg white and sprinkle with Everything Bagel Spice and Pacific Flake Sea Salt.

Add the remaining mayonnaise or yogurt and mustard to the leftover filling and transfeer to a small dipping bowl. Garnish and arrange of the plate with the eggs and crudites.

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