Popcorn Toppings
The endless number of various toppings out there make popcorn one of the easiest and most versatile snacks I know. It's my go-to snack not only for movies and Dr. Who marathons, but also ball games, potlucks and picnics. Everyone loves popcorn, and if you can bring yourself to cut down on the butter (I know I sure can't) it can be a low calorie, high-fiber option for snacking.Nothing beats a trip to the old ball yard for summertime fun, and here in Seattle we're lucky to have T-Mobile Park, one of the nicest ball fields in the country. We're also fortunate that on most nights you can get in for as little as ten bucks, but as everyone knows the real cost comes inside the park on the expensive food and drink. So to stretch my budget I like to make a big batch of popcorn, toss it with a few different popcorn toppings, put each batch in a paper bag and head down to watch the M's. It was the perfect snack to watch the recent historical perfect game, and I even had enough money left over to celebrate with a cold adult beverage!In the recipe below I'll tell you about some of our favorite popcorn toppings, but these aren't the only options by any means. We're always discovering great new spice blends to use as popcorn toppings and would love to hear what your favorite is! Let us know in the comments below and it just may end up in my bag at the next big Mariners game, Go M's!
Learn moreSvaneti Seasoned Salt Kale Chips
I adore kale. The moment I discovered this particular leafy green it immediately beat out broccoli and chard at the top of my favorite vegetable list. Luckily for me it is available practically year-round here in the Northwest, and right now there are some exceptionally beautiful bunches showing up in the Farmer's Markets and grocery stores.My favorite way to prepare kale is to bake it into chips with a little bit of salt to bring out its natural savory flavor. Whether you are new to kale chips or they are an old favorite, you'll love mixing it up with some seasoning salt. Along with our Svaneti Seasoned Salt, my favorites are Voodoo, Osaka Seasoned Salt, Tuscan Rosemary Salt and America's Seasoned Salt.
Learn moreKashmiri Garam Masala Pecans
Sometimes I just like to have fun with my food, and this recipe is a direct result of a playful Sunday afternoon in the kitchen. The delicate aromas wafted out of my kitchen window enticing neighbors to stop in and sample my latest creation. These little yummies will astonish and delight. Kashmiri Garam Masala is divine blend of cassia, cloves, cardamom and black pepper mixed with a sweet, salty, crunchy me, you'll double the batch the second time around.
Learn moreQuatre Epices Cake
This recipe from our friends at Sunset Magazine promises a citrus and sweet taste, followed by a glow or a kick — depending on whether the signature French four-spice blend is made with white or black pepper. Well, our Quatre Epices delivers the best of both, with prized white and black peppercorns!
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