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Small Batch, Grand Flavor • Est. 1995

English Beef Rub

English Beef Rub
English Beef Rub offers up a bold combination of cinnamon and juniper along with salt and pepper for incredible flavor! Influenced by medieval beef rubs, the intense flavors stand up to and takes the edge off of gamey flavors in meat. Perfect for elk and venison, as well as beef.

One technique for tenderizing tough cuts of meat is to season them liberally and then apply weight, like a cast iron skillet, and allow the meat to sit for 24 hours before cooking. The results are tender and delicious!



In a small bowl, thoroughly mix all of the spices together. This will keep in a jar with a good rubber seal for a few months. For even fresher flavor, keep the juniper, black pepper and allspice whole. Mix them in with the salt, brown sugar and cinnamon and store in a jar. You can then grind however much your recipe calls for when you need it. 

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